Truck Adblue emulation Remove Tool user manual and video free download

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Here you can free download the user manual and software installation for ADBLUE EMULATION MODULE/Truck Adblue Remove Tool. provide this tool with high quality, one-year warranty and unlimited technical support.
1. User video free download:

How to reset the box for Adblue?

Video link:

How to program the box for Adblue?

Video link:

2. How to rightly use Truck Adblue emulation Remove Tool?
This package is not directly used on the cars.[] Please see the video on our website.
1) First: As the video, Please clear the data car saved on this device
2) As the video,[] program the data that you need to use on the car 
3) check the instruction of how to connect the car, and connect the cable ready.

3. When i use Adblue emulation module to connect with the truck, the green light is not on, what is the problem and how to solve it?

Look at this photo, there are two components are easily damaged on the main board. [] After you program ready, and connect this adblue emulation with the track while the green light is off (enter the learning state). Use needle-nose pliers to crush the two capacitances in the red box.

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