How to install and activate Ford IDS 109 :
Free installation and activation service via
(No need install and activate SW yourself)
Ford IDS 109 Review:
109 start and work, VCM1 clone (but oldest one), Windows 7
clear Windows start, and
for end
friendly, responsive, fast
make a great install to me on win 7. all I had to do is drink coffee during install. works perfect no limitation
Trusted seller. Installed and activated without problems. V109 + incode calculator. Windows 7 64bit and VCM1 original. Very happy.
Online programming work %100
Tested with VXDIAG VCX NANO for Ford. Good!
Ford IDS 109 FAQs:
VCM 1 is compatible?
Yes, it can work with Ford VCM 1 clone
Works good with VCM2 clone?
I have Chinese clone VCM2 SP177-C1 and it works great with impressive speed. I would definitely recommend this guy.
Hi how about Online ? It will be work with cloned VCMII ?
can do
online ,
work with original and clone VCMs
So just to confirm the testman.exe and other DLLs in the Runtime folder are all v109? I’ve found that many other hacked versions are build using v106 and not all features work with 2017+ vehicles.
know ,
can not
work with 2017
cars ,
know what to do for supporting 2017
cars .i will change some files for it .
Someone please test 2017 f150 key programming north america model
For F150 2017 need minimum IDS and NASTF account !!!
I have a vmware version of IDS 108.07, that appears to be built on 106 based on the file versions of a lot of the DLLs in the Runtime folder. Using a genuine VCM II with the firmware, I canNOT do TCM module programming on a 2017.
Never tried TCM on 2017+ but that’s a possibility.
All hack I’ve seen are based on v86, v101 or v106.
Never seen a hack based on v109 executables and DLLs .. that’s why I’m asking but he won’t answer that question.