How to reset MB SD Connect C4 LAN & WLAN IP address
This is the how-to guide of sd connect c4 mux IP address setup for the local area connection and wireless network connection. And it will help solve WLan Error 2 displayed on the c4 mux.
"I have bought a Chinese SD Connect C4 MUX. Connected via the green LAN cable everything is working great on a EVG7 tablet with SSD and 2017.3 Xentry.
Problem is i cannot get the wireless working.
MUX display WLanError 2 , and the Wlan mac id is blank on the unit. "Said by customer.
the Wlan Error2
see the screenshots
Here is a solution...tested OK by professionals.
RESET LAN & WLAN IP address as follows:
On Desktop, right click to go to Personalize
Control Panel-> Network and Internet-> Network and Sharing Center
Network Connection-> Local Area Connection 2 Properties-> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/Pv4) Properties
Use the following IP address:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Change adapter settings
Network Connection-> Wireless Network Connection 3 Properties-> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/Pv4) Properties
Use the following IP address:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Open Road24h Ad-Hoc Connector for C4 Mux
Click on -1- Make Roard24h Ad-hoc Profile, then OK
Click on -2- Connect to MUX via Road24h, then OK
Road24h now is connecting
Open Administration
SDconnect Toolkit
Setup Encryption: WEP/ Hex
Enter the key
Copy the key as the network security key
Road14h is connected
The network location is now Work
SDconnect Toolkit Preview
It’s working!
Xentry/DAS can be used via WIFI.