Purchase guide: Lonsdor K518S or K518ISE?

In short, the supported car models and capabilities of the Lonsdor K518S are subdivided from the lonsdor K518ISE, which has three package options. In other words, the lonsdor K518ISE contains all the models and features of the lonsdor K518S package. So that the users can choose the lowest-cost package according to their needs and make more money.
Lonsdor K518S VS K518ISE: 3 packages
lonsdor k518s  vs k518ise

Lonsdor K518S package:

Package 1. SK213-B:

Host and adapters with free models (The workable car models are free lifetime)
Package 2. SK213-B + SK213-S1: 
Hardware with free software + one-year update subscription (Addition: get first 6-month free update)

*** After one year expires, the payable options exist but need pay another one-year fee if you want to use again.
Package 3.SK213-B + SK213-S2
Hardware with free software + lifetime subscription [not incl. the cost of hardware and basic package (SK213-B) ]

Read: Lonsdor K518S function list (Excel download)
The part of the black words is lifetime free
The part of the red words is paid.

Lonsdor K518ISE Package:

Package 1: SK213: Lonsdor K518ISE hardware with free software (free lifetime)

Package 2: SK213 + SK213-S
Lonsdor K518ISE
hardware with free software + one-year subscription
***After you pay, you can use all newest-released functions in the whole year, and for the next year, you can continue use this part of functions updated in this year
Read: Lonsdor K518ISE update in October 2018 
The black part is free forever, the red part is paid.