Solution for Hyundai ix35 indicator lights on driver’s side all time is on
This post starts with the problem that Hyundai ix35 indicator lights on driver’s side all time is on, then the advised solution is followed in the following parts.
Car model and year:
hyundai ix35 tucson 2011 year,2.0i gasoline,manual transmission
I have problem with indicator lights on drivers side(rear and on drivers mirror),all time is on .When lock vehicle,that two indicators stay enabled and can't turn off.
Hyundai diagnostic tool I use:
GDS VCI Diagnostic Tool for Kia & Hyundai V15 from
Got wiring diagram to follow:
By following this picture, I tried to do:
To this box on connector i/p F,on pin number 4,comes white wire with constant 12 volt supply.When i cut this wire,left rear and left mirror flasher turn off.Can you please check from where comes that wire,from what module?On photos that you posted i see that from bcm comes only can bus wires,not voltage wires.BCM is too dificult to remove and i think some other module choose problem with rear flashers.
I see i/p F here: connector marked F on junction fuse box.To this connector on pin 4 comes white wire with constantly 12v supply and choose to RL flasher and mirror flasher stay allways on and front left not working.When i cut this wire,left front flasher start working normaly but rear left and left mirror stop working.Problem is in that wire but i dont know from where comes.Need to know from what module that wire comes.
Meanwhile, I tried to download GDS and it is too big.
Then I got picture on connections/ location:
Advised solution:
I got advised solution "am sure 99% problem with junction box,
Here this problem appear when someone try to install something to the car like xenon, camera ...etc. "
This is photo pin 8 in grey connector