1. Car access sytem dentification
3. Read/Write KM stored in CAS system(OBDII)
4. Read/Write synchronization codes stored in CAS system(OBDII)
5. Synchronize DME and CAS(OBDII)
6. Synchronize CAS and ELV(OBDII)
7. Prepare dealer key for CAS1/CAS2/CAS3/CAS+(support latest CAS3 verison)(OBDII)
8. Read/Restore CAS KEY information(OBDII)
9. Disable/Enable key with working key(OBDII)
10. Clear DTC and Shadow (OBDII)
11. Prepare dealer key with CAS eeprom dump
12. Unlock dealer key prepared with our software with CAS eeprom dump or KEY information
13. Change KM in CAS and instrument dashboard with file dump
14. Have key programmer, you can programm dealer key directly.
1. Operating Temperature: -20 to 70 °C ( -4 to 158 °F )
2. Storage Temperature: -40 to 85 °C ( -40 to 185 °F )
3. Diagnostic Interface: 16 PIN
4. USB Interface: USB 2.0
5. Power: DC 5 V - 12 V
6. Consumption: 1 W
7. Dimensions: Length 95 mm, Width 49 mm, Height 28 mm
Cable connection photo display for BMW Multi Tool:
BMW Multi Tool Supported Immobilizer Type and Function
1. Menu:
- Tool: you can choose language here, support "English" and "Chinese Simplified" Restart software to apply your settings.
- File Make Key: you can prepare dealer key with EWS and CAS EEPROM dump.
- Help: Device update. You can get your device and dongle id version and update it.
2. Protocal type:
Now BMT support there type of protocol: KWP-CAN BUS 100Kbps, KWP-CAN BUS 500Kbps, KWP-2000. "Auto Detect " function can help you to choose the right protocol. After choose protocol okay, then press "Connect". If connected success. All CAS info will display in CAS Identification. Include CAS number, VIN, production date, etc
iii. EEPROM Function:Read EEPROM'Write EEPROM'Save File'Load File…
1.You should backup the CAS EEPROM before prepare dealer key. After succeed read EEPROM, please save it as back file. This step is
very important.
2.Now can’t read the whole EEPROM for cas3 system. But the main section is contained. It should be saved. When you read CAS EEPROM,
it will give tips as follow(Press ok to continue)
3. EEPROM Function:
Read EEPROM, Write EEPROM, Save File, Load File…
1). You should backup the CAS EEPROM before prepare dealer key. After succeed read EEPROM, please save it as back file. This step is very important.
2). Now can't read the whole EEPROM for cas3 system. But the main section is contained. It should be saved. When you read CAS EEPROM, it will give tips (Press ok to continue).
4. Odometer:
Support read and change KM stored in CAS system.
Don't support to change KM in instrument. If you want to change the KM display in instrument. You should change KM in CAS system first. Then modify the KM in instrument manually.
5. Synchronization Codes:
1). CAS3 code-DME, CAS3code-EGS: Read and write DME and EGS code stored in CAS3 system.
2). Synchronize DME and CAS— this function will be useful while prepare dealer key or any other operation which cause can't start the engine.
3). Synchronize CAS and ELV — this function can help clear wheel errors
6. Key Learn
1). Get Key Info: With this function you can get the key cutting, remote frequency, and key data.
2). Save Key Info: Save the read key info.
3). Load Key Info: Load the saved key info. To see the key data and prepare for write key info.
4). Write Key Info: Write the loaded key info into CAS system.
5). Make Dealer Key: You can prepare dealer key after you get key info successfully. Also you should choose the key position.
6). Add key: Add the new dealer key into CAS system. Some CAS system needs this step to start the engine.
7). Enable Key: Insert the current key into ignition switch, press "Enable Key". The key after current key will be enabled.
8). Disable Key: Insert the current key into ignition switch, press "Disable key". The key after current key will be disabled.
9). Clear DTC: Before prepare dealer key and after it you can use this function to clear DTC.
10). Clear Shadow: Before prepare dealer key and after it you can use this function to clear Shadow.
7. File Make Key
1). Choose CAS or EWS type.
2). Load the choose EEPROM file you will get the make dealer key window.
3). Choose key position and press "Make Dealer Key" button. Flow the given tips to prepare dealer key. After succeed you can save the new EEPROM dump file.
- For EWS1, EWS2, EWS3, EWS4, CAS1, CAS2, CAS3 type the prepared dealer key can start the engine directly.
- For some CA3+ type you need to write back the new dump file into car.
4). CAS3 encrypt data, only OBDII prepare make key is support for CAS3 encrypt data.
8. Device Update
Open this window after connect to internet. You can see the latest software version, firmware version, dongle version. You can go to our website for further information. After succeeded update device firmware, must reconnect the hardware to computer
Warning: Make sure connect dongle to compute before run the software.
"Device not connected"Error
Information: Hardware not connected to PC with USB port.
Solution: Plug device to USB.
Custom frequently asked questions:
Q:Can you tell me if this tool can program used keys or just new key?
A:BMW keys only can be programming once, this tool can only do new keys,can not program used keys.
Q: Can i use BMW Multi Tool to make a new key for BMW EWS immobilizer system?
A: Sorry to tell you that BMW Multi Tool only can supports matching key for BMW CAS immobilizer system. If you want to use it to make keys for BMW EWS immobilizer system, you need addtionally to buy CAS PLUG for BMW MULTI TOOL, here is the link:
Q: Do i need to remove the CAS when programming the key?
A: For CAS1, you can program the key via OBD. For others, you need to remove.
Q: What is the difference for BMW Multi Tool and AK300?
A: For AK300, you need to remove the CAS for key programming. This bmw multi tool can work on newer vehicle models than AK300.
Q: BMW multi tool, AK300 and CKM200, which tool is better for programming BMW keys?
A: Different tool has different advantages. BMW multi tool can be used together with BMW CAS4 adapter, with BMW CAS4 adapter, you can program cas 4 keys and program more newer keys than the rest tools. AK300 only can program BMW keys, it is ripe product, and its operation will be easier, many customers can use it to program bmw keys. For CMK200, it can program BMW and Benz keys.
Q: When i make keys, i meet "failed at the security access", how to do?
A: add key obd;
Software update record for BMW MULTI TOOL:
V7.0 update:
1) CAS4 encrypted authorization. NEW!
If you have bought SL252 IKEYCUTTER XC-007, then this anthorization is totally free to open. If you do not have SL252, then price is 520USD to open this authorization.
2) Add supporting CAS4 encrypted version, you need the original car keys or engine data or ISN (CAS4 encrypted version requires authorization of CNC cutting machine and upgrade to the latest version of the firmware)
V6.0 Update informaiton:
1.Fix bug make dealer key for EWS4
2.Normal bugfix
Software version: V6.0 download
V3.0 Update tips:
1. The software v3.0 must be run above firmware V1.0.4.
2. You can go to Help->Device Update->Device Update to update your device to the newest version.
3. Once you update your firmware when use V2.5 software. It does not need update the firmware again.
4. add italian and spanish language.
5. Normal bug fix.
How to Update BMW multi tool CAS1 CAS2 CAS3 CAS3+ key programmer
Open this window after connect to internet. You can see BMW multi tool latest software version, firmware version, dongle version. You can go to our website for further information. After succeeded update BMW multi tool firmware, must reconnect the hardware to computer.
1. Device Info: Get dongle and hardware SN and version.
2. Device Update: This function can update the dongle and device.
how to make BMW dealer key with BMW multi tool?
1.Choose CAS or EWS type. It will tips you:
2.Load the choose EEPROM file you will get the make dealer key window:
3.Choose key position and press “Make Dealer Key” button. Flow the given tips to prepare dealer key. After succeed you can save the new EEPROM dump file. For EWS1, EWS2, EWS3, EWS4, CAS1, CAS2, CAS3 type the prepared dealer key can start the engine directly. For some CA3+ type you need to write back the new dump file into car
4. CAS3 encrypt data, only can prepare dealer key with a working key data.
For more details, you can see BMW multi tool V2.3 English user manual.
How to use BMW multi tool to make keys for BMW with EWS?
If you want to use BMW multi tool to make keys for BMW with EWS, you need to buy additionally CAS PLUS for BMW multi tool. CAS PLUG for BMW MULTI TOOL can be connected with the device via OBD2 port.
What cars models CAS PLUG for BMW MULTI TOOL can support?
with CAS PLUG for BMW MULTI TOOL, you can work on EWS, EWS 2, 7 Series CAS1/CAS2 plug and CAS3/CAS3+ plug. By using CAS Plug, you can connect CAN LINE manually, support 12V.