OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Query Radio Pincode via Android APP

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus (Key Master DP Plus) supports Radio Pincode query by OBDSTAR APP on Android phones. What you need is to bind the device and APP first, then inquire about the pincode, and finally verify the pincode on the radio.


Step 1: Bind OBDSTAR device and APP

Plug the 12V 2A DC Charger into X300 DP Plus and connect to WiFi

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Query Radio Pincode via Android APP

In OBDSTAR tablet, tap Settings>> VCI Info >> Device QR code (network required)

In OBDSTAR APP, tap Me >> My device >> Device binding

Use the Android phone to scan the device QR code to bind

After binding is successful, the device details incl. product, serial number, and expiration time appear on the screen. You also can see the related member benefits you got.

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Query Radio Pincode via Android APP
OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Query Radio Pincode via Android APP



Step 2: Inquire PinCode on OBDSTAR APP

The number of the radio can be determined by the label on the module.

If the model is unknown, you can open the cover to determine the specific model of the module on the chip.

For example, the Ford radio serial number is  M017666.

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Query Radio Pincode via Android APP

Run OBDSTAR APP, tap Airbag/Dash/ECU/Radio icon, and select Radio Code>> FORD>> M Serial (4 Pincode)

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Query Radio Pincode via Android APP

You can see the related support models, radio code conversion method, radio picture, and enter pincode method.

Enter the 7-digit SN which is on the device label

Click "INQUIRE" at the bottom

Inquiry is successful, and the Pin code is read out.

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Query Radio Pincode via Android APP


Step 3: Verify Pincode on radio

Switch radio ON

When it displays "……"

Input the number of pincode on the radio

1 is for 1st digit, 2 is for 2nd digit, 3 is for 3rd digit, 4 is for 4th digit, and 5 is to enter the code (confirm)

The radio can be adjusted normally, which means the pincode is queried perfectly by OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus key programmer and OBDSTAR APP.

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Query Radio Pincode via Android APP
