Which tool should I choose for BMW F20 (FEM 95128) mileage adjustment

Car model and IMMO type: BMW F20 2013 with FEM module 95128



There will be an engine replacement with much less km on it. So want to set the km on dash according to the mileage of the new engine.


My confusion:

Is it a safe way to desolder the 95128 from FEM and read it with the correct tool. If it is, what tools can do this operation?



To correct the mileage you’re halfway there with the right tools to achieve your goal. First you need to correct the EEPROM in the dashboard/instrument cluster. You can use the R270, but I would highly suggest getting the v2.0 eeprom adapter.


I’ve got the iprog, CGDI CG PRO 9S12, and VVDI prog, and honestly it’s hit and miss with all those tools. With VVDI, you need to buy their 35160 chip (Xhorse VVDI PROG with 5pcs Xhorse 35160DW Chip) , read and copy original file. Then take the new VVDI chip and write original data onto the chip. After that, you can change mileage and install into cluster. Just remember, mileage first!


Step 2 is mileage reset on the FEM. I have CGDI BMW, Autel IM608, and I’ll have Hextag in a few days. I can confirm you can easily reset mileage of the FEM with CGDI BMW once it’s in service mode via EEPROM. I haven’t seen a mileage reset on the Autel. The chip you’re going into get into service mode is 95128 for FEM. As far as the mileage being able to be read in the eeprom is above my abilities.


Once you have the correct mileage on the odometer and the mileage reset on the fem, you should be good.

