2024 ECU programmer comparison: OBDSTAR DC706 vs. FC200 vs. ACDP vs. IOT vs. SMOK

What's different between OBDSTAR DC706 , CG FC200, Yanhua Mini ACDP 2, IOT and SMOK ECU programmer? Which one is better? The blow comparison table may help you.


Comparison Table

ECU Tool DC706 FC200 Mini ACDP 2 IOT SMOK
Image DC706 FC200 Mini ACDP 2 IOT SMOK
Price €1,249 €585


(only basic module)



(only interface, software not included)

Connection All OBD or Bench All OBD or Bench All OBD or Bench with specialized wiring adapter All OBD or Bench All OBD or Bench
Subscription fee €144/year Charged for each car model, no subscription fee. Charged for each module function, no subscription fee. Charged for each car model, no subscription fee. Charged for each car model, no subscription fee.
System 5-inches Android tablet PC version Android version on smart phone/PC PC Windows version PC Windows version
Language Multi-language Multi-language Multi-language Multi-language Multi-language
Function Comprehensive, integrates engine/ gearbox clone Mainly BOSCH engine clone, some gearbox clone Mainly engine & gearbox clone, immobilizer programming Com-prehensive Com-prehensive
Software update frequency Frequent Not frequent Not frequent Not frequent Not frequent





OBDSTAR DC706 is a cost-effective ECU tool to support most engine & gearbox clone. Tablet device is easy to carry anywhere.


CG FC200 is mainly focused on BOSCH engine clone and some gearbox clone. It should work on a computer and charged for each car software.


Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 supports to clone engine, gearbox and program immobilizer function. It can customize modules according to different features, and supports to work on smart phone or PC. In terms of portability or functionality, Mini ACDP 2 is a recommended choice.

