Here is a series of Launch X431 IMMO Elite key programmer FAQs.
Language+ Software subscription+ Package FAQ
Q: Can the immo elite be activated to Spanish version?
A: Yes, it can. It currently supports 25 languages including:
The default is English. If you want to change the language, please provide your SN (12 digit number) which is on the back of the device, or from the Tool Information to our customer service to help activate it for free quickly.
Q: Can I still use device normally after subscription ends?
A: Of course, you can normally use x431 immo elite after the subscription ends. All models of the system diagnostics can be used, but some models of the special functions need to be online to use, and some do not need to be online to use. The programming aspect of the key is also partly online and partly offline. Except for functions that are online to use, such as action testing and coding, need to be renewed. You can rest assured that there are very few features that need to be used online.
Q: After the 2 free year updates, can I skip several years of updates and pay it to be fully updated or do I have to pay $499 for each year missed?
A: Of course, you can skip several years of updates after the 2 free-year updates end. You can pay for update anytime and you can get the latest version always.
Q: I want to ask about this package. Is it supposed to be two boxes or one? Do the xprog 3 and apb112 are included?
A: If you buy x431 immo elite, you will receive 2 different boxes in one package at the same time. One box is the x431 immo elite with accessories and the other box is X PROG 3 with accessories. And yes, it incl. xprog 3 and apb112. This can save you a lot of money by not having to buy a key programming tool separately. More key functions of more brands can be realized.
Function FAQ
Q: What immo function does the product x431 immo elite have? Will it work on Audi A4 2012 all keys lost?
A: Yes, it can perform all-key-lost function on Audi A4 2012. It is a professional anti-theft matching diagnostic tool which can read PIN, perform Benz FEM/BDC Key Learning and ECU Adaptation, BMW CAS3/2 Key Learning (CAS4 Avaiable when connected to x-prog3 Programmer), Key Generation & Key Learning & Remote Learning & All Key Lost, IMMO ECU Reset/Adaptation/Refresh/Coding, and so much more. But the function is varies according to different car model. You'd better provide us the VIN number, car model and year and the key type and other functions you want to perform on the vehicle for checking.
Q: I need to know before I'm buying, have 2015 beetle need to do all keys lost the scanner can read pin and cs code on simos 18.2 ecu?
A: Yes, the x431 immo elite supports the function you want.
Q: Can I reprogram Mercedes Benz esl emulator on bench with this tool?
A: Yes, it can, but not for all years. You'd better provide us your car year and if you want to add a key or all keys lost so that we can help you more.
Q: How to do key programming with Mercedes Benz?
A: 1.Anti-theft password reading: In order to obtain the key password
2.Anti-theft key matching: write an anti-theft data file with the key password into the new key.
Q: Does this elite package reset/refresh any used mercedes me17.x/med17.x ecu so that it can be cloned or activated as new in a different vehicle?
A: Yes, the immo elite can wipe any used Mercedes me17.x/med17.x ecu and then cloned or activated as new in a different vehicle, and it needs the hardware of the different vehicle to be suitable and compatible.
Q: How to use this immo elite to do key matching with Volkswagen Audi?
A: The step to do key matching with Volkswagen Audi is below:
1.Read anti-theft data: read data related to anti-theft
2.Generate dealer key: After reading the anti-theft data, you will get the CS code of the corresponding vehicle, write the CS code into the key chip, and make the key data match the vehicle data
3.Learning key: write the new key ID into the meter.
Q: How to do key matching with Porsche?
A: The easy step to do key matching with Porsche is below:
1.Backup anti-theft data
2.Generate dealer key
3.Learning key.
Q: Will this x431 immo scanner remotely unlock land rovers and program land rover keys?
A: Yes, it can.
Q: Can this program a new smart key for a 2022 F150 Lightning?
A: Yes.
Q: Can x431 immo elite do key programming and parking brake module configuration for 2013 bmw x5 e70?
A: Yes, it can.
Q: Does the x431 immo elite do key programming with bmw cas3+ all key lost?
A: Yes. The easy step to do key programming with BMWCAS3+ is below:
1.Backup key data 2.Programming to generate keys 3.Learning Keys.
Q: Can I program new keys for a 2008 335i E90 bmw with this programmer?
A: Yes, x431 immo elite supports the key operation such as Key data operation, Key learning, Key unlock, Key enable/disable, Startup repair, Key status etc.; Synchronize operations such as Synchronize ELV, Synchronize DME etc. ; MCU operation such as 0L01Y, 0L15Y, 0M23S. Besides, it can read Vehicle Information, Vehicle frequency, support ECU reset, Clear DTC(s), ISTAP version repair, Read ISN (Initial Serial Number) etc.
Q: Will this allow me to program keys on Chevrolet express vans 2014 - 2018? All keys lost and also add a key...
A: Yes, both all keys lost and add a key are supported.
Q: Will this allow me to program a fob key for 2019 Nissan Altima if the key was previous programmed to another car?
A: Yes, it will.
Q: Will this scanner program intelligent key fob for 2017 Ford Fusion
A: Yes, it will.
Q: Can immo elite read pin code from hyundai kona usa 2019 year and add new fob 8a smart key?
A: Yes, it can.
Q: Can i use this tool to program a new key fob for my 2011 lr4? i don't have the original key.
A: Yes, you can.
Q: Will this work with the 2015/16 and new porsche cayenne?
A: Yes, it can work with this car model to diagnose and read immo data, generate dealer keys, learning keys, clone front-end electronics, clone Continental ECU, and read immo data etc. immo function.
Q: Does this work for 2018 kia stinger gt2?
A: Yes, Launch x431 immo elite can supports this car incl. read fault code, clear fault memory, read data stream, actuation test, version information, special function, SMK status information, fob key status information, current fob key check, smart key code saving etc
Q: When you say, "clone ecu", I assume you mean, "an identical copy", with mapping, injector coding, settings, etc., and immo. Does it copy everything?
A: Yes, x431 immo elite's clone means to "an identical copy" , but we clone ecu of immo module not include ecu which have not immo module. Module cloning is a vehicle maintenance method. It directly backs up and restores the EEPROM and FLASH data of the module without complicated programming, code setting, anti-theft and initialization. It is easy to operate and extremely fast to operate. X-431 IMMO ELITE supports BOSCH, CONTINENTAL/SIEMENS, DELCO and other module cloning, and various types of gearbox module cloning has market advantages. The types of module clones are applicable to more than 5000 models worldwide.
Q: Can this recalibrate my 2nd generation prius for code 1345 linear offset code abs and vsc?
A: Yes, the x431 immo elite is compatible with the diagnostic with your car 2nd generation prius with Toyota Software.However, since your vehicle maintenance information is not complete enough, it cannot be guaranteed that the fault of your car can be solved. If you can tell what has been repaired and replaced, or provide the whole vehicle report, it can be more guaranteed to solve the problem for you.
Q: Does this scan Isuzu npr dpf systems?
A: X431 immo elite can scan dpf systems but not support Isuzu npr. Your car needs a diagnostic device specifically designed to diagnose heavy trucks such as x431 Pro3s+ Diagnostics.
Q: Does this scan tool come with the motor repair information software?
A: Yes, 431 immo elite has not only repair information video but repair information text and dtc help and google search and feedback online to help you to use it.
Q: Does this work with x431 tsgun (na edition) also x431 immo elite does not appear in drop-down list in fca autoauth for launch tools?
A: It can not work with x431 tsgun now temporarily. As for the FCA AUTOAUTH, please Try selecting "OTHER" .We do support for it.
Q: Is this x431 immo elite tablet compatible with the bst 360 bluetooth battery tester?
A: Yes, it is. Also compatible with endoscope.
To be continued…
More info about 2023 LAUNCH X431 IMMO ELITE Key Programmer: